The Henan University of Technology-University of South Australia Heavy Metal Workshop was successfully held on July 19, 2023, over 50 teachers and graduate students attended the workshop, two presentations were delivered at the workshop, by Dr. Farzana Kastury from University of South Australia and Prof. Liping Li from the joint lab. Dr. Kastaury’s presentation was entitledA novel plumbojarosite treatment method for reducing childhood lead exposure. Dr. Kastury’s presentation is about the immobilization of Pb in in contaminated soils with iron and sulfuric acid and the subsequent formation of the insoluble plumbojarosite. Pro. Li’s presentation was entitledHeavy metal pollution and its effect on human health, he talked about the latest findings his group made about negative effect of nonferrous metal smelting on human health and its control. The new discoveries and experimental methods presented by the presenters provided a lot of inspiration to the audience. After the presentations, the scientists and students of both sides made discussions about the research of heavy metal risk control, and the possible collaboration between two groups. Dr. Kastury and Professor Li also answered questions from the audience.
Vice dean of School of Environmental Engineering, Dr. Liangbo Zhang made a welcome speech to the audience before the presentations began.
