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[1] 河南省产学研合作项目:超声处理剩余污泥减量化工艺(NO.182107000006),主持,2018.1-2019.12

[2] 顺河回族区农林牧机局横向项目:顺河回族自治区受污染耕地土壤安全利用试点示范项目,主持,2019.1-2019.12

[3] 环境污染治理与生态修复河南省协同创新中心开放基金资助课题:污泥基新型泡沫混凝土砌块制备关键技术研究(NO.XTCX-022),主持,2016.1-2017.12

[4] 河南省科技攻关项目:颗粒化调理剂的改性及其在污泥好氧发酵中的应用(NO.152102310084, 主持,2015.1-2016.12

[5] 郑州市重大科技专项: 污泥好氧发酵可循环调理剂分离回用关键技术和装备研发及产业化(NO.141PZDZX045, 主持,2014.1-2016.12

[6] 国家淮河流域重大水专项子课题:污泥生物转化过程控制及工艺优化研究(NO. 2012ZX07204-001-005),主持,2012.01-2015.12

[7] 河南省重大公益项目子课题:污泥无害化处理及综合利用关键技术研究与示范-污泥玻璃基多孔陶粒滤料制备关键技术研究与示范(NO. 101100910300-3),主持,2010.10-2013.10

[8] 中国环境科学研究院横向项目: 舞钢市水库及河流水环境监测及生态现状研究,主持,2010.7-2010.12

[9] 中国环境科学研究院横向项目: 平顶山市集中式饮用水源地中长期环境保护规划,主持,2009.6-2009.12

[10] 郑州市科技攻关项目:蔬菜果品废弃物制花卉专用肥关键技术研究与示范,主持,2009.5-2010.12

[11] 河南省重点科技攻关项目:超声溶胞技术在污泥减量中的应用研究(NO. 082102350024),主持,2008.1-2010.12

[12] 国家苕溪流域重大水专项子课题:小康型村镇生活垃圾处置与资源化利用技术(NO. 2008ZX07101-006),主持,2009.9-2010.12

[13] 海南省国土环境资源厅项目:生态村片区农业固体废弃物处理示范工程,主持,2008.1-2018.12


[1] 刘永德, 赵继红, 张杰, 杨伟纳, 闫路兵, 陈冰. 一种基于抗生素菌渣和豆粉制备的胶黏剂及其制备方法. 发明专利,专利授权号: ZL2014101443628, 2017.12.5

[2] 刘永德, 赵继红, 张杰, 陈冰, 闫路兵, 杨伟纳. 一种污泥堆肥木质调理剂表面碳化的方法. 发明专利,专利授权号: ZL2014101443685, 2016.8.17

[3] 刘永德, 赵继红, 周岩, 曹军, 黄林, 张杰, 朱娟娟, 陈冰, 闫路兵, 杨伟纳, 高爱华. 一种采用爆破技术处理污泥堆肥调理剂改善其理化性能的方法. 发明专利,专利授权号:ZL201410144229.2, 2016.5.11

[4] 刘永德, 赵继红, 张杰, 吴海露, 许春红, 谢玲玲. 一种可循环降解颗粒化调理剂及其在污泥堆肥中的应用, 发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL201110435933.X, 2014.10.22

[5] 刘永德, 张杰, 赵继红, 李飞跃, 万东锦, 张迎明. 一种可循环除臭颗粒化调理剂及其在污泥堆肥中的应用, 发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL 201110435912.8, 2014.3.26

[6] 刘永德, 张明玉, 赵继红, 武海霞. 一种二次发酵段接种复合菌剂的堆肥化方法, 发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL 200910227266.9, 2012.11.21

[7] 刘永德, 赵继红, 张杰, 武海霞. 超声-磁场耦合破解污泥使污泥减量化的方法, 发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL 200910227265.4, 2011.12.7


[1] Yongde Liu, Weina Yang, Bing Chen, Juanjuan Zhu, Jihong Zhao,* Jun Cao. Sludge  Composting with a Modified Carboxymethylated Conditioner[J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(10):3106-3113(SCI)

[2] Yongde Liu, Yiyi Wang, Dongjin Wan, Shuhu Xiao. Bio-reduction of perchlorate with low concentration in water by sulfur packed reactor and microbial community spacial distribution analysis[J]. Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/china Environmental Science, 2017, 37(8):3142-3150(EI)

[3] Dongjin Wan, Lairong Wu, Yongde Liu*, Hailiang Zhao, Jun Fu*, Shuhu Xiao. Adsorption of low concentration perchlorate from aqueous solution ontomodified cow dung biochar: Effective utilization of cow dung, an agricultural waste[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 636:1396-1407(SCI)

[4] Dongjin Wan, Qi Li, Yongde Liu*, Shuhu Xiao, Hongjie Wang, Simultaneous reduction of perchlorate and nitrate in a combined heterotrophic-sulfur-autotrophic system: Secondary pollution control, pH balance and microbial community analysis[J]. Water Research, 2019, 165:115004(SCI)

[5] Dongjin Wan, Qi Li, Jing Chen, Zhenhua Niu, Yongde Liu*, Haisong Li, Shuhu Xiao. Simultaneous bio-electrochemical reduction of perchlorate and electro-disinfection in a novel Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) based on proton-exchange membrane electrolysis[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 679:288-297(SCI)

[6] Dongjin Wan, Lairong Wu, Yongde Liu*, Jing Chen, Hailiang Zhao, Shuhu Xiao. Enhanced Adsorption of Aqueous Tetracycline Hydrochloride on Renewable Porous Clay-Carbon Adsorbent Derived from Spent Bleaching Earth via Pyrolysis[J]. Langmuir, 2019, 35:3925-3936(SCI)

[7] Dongjin Wan, Yongde Liu*, Yiyi Wang, Qi Li, Jingnan Jin, Shuhu Xiao. Sulfur disproportionation tendencies in a sulfur packed bed reactor for perchlorate bio-autotrophic reduction at different temperatures and spatial distribution of microbial communities[J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 215:40-49(SCI)

[8] Yongde Liu, Leibo Ding, Binbin Wang, Qiaochong He, Dongjin Wan. Using the modified pine wood as a novel recyclable bulking agent for sewage sludge composting: Effect on nitrogen conversion and microbial community structures[J]. Bioresource technology, 2020, ‏ 309:123357(SCI)

[9] Yongde Liu, Jinsong Li, Lairong Wu, Yahui Shi, Qiaochong He, Jing Che, Wan, Dongjin Wan. Magnetic spent bleaching earth carbon (Mag-SBE@C) for efficient adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride: Response surface methodology for optimization and mechanism of action[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 722(20)(SCI)

[10] Yongde Liu, Yang Liu, Qiaochong He, Pengliang Guo, Jing Che, Dongjin Wan, Shuhu Xiao. Utilizing the "memory effect" of bimetallic-supported hydrotalcites for adsorption and reduction of perchlorate in water[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspect, 2020, 593(SCI)

[11] Yongde Liu, Zhaohui Chen, Pengliang Guo, Yahui Shi, Jing Chen, Qiaochong He, Dongjin Wan. Adsorption of high concentration perchlorate from aqueous solution onto Mg/Fe magnetic hydrotalcite calcined product (MAG@CHT): kinetics and isotherm study[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment,2020,204:328-339

[12] Yongde Liu, Jinsong Li, Lairong Wu, Dongjin Wan, Yahui Shi, Qiaochong He, Jing Chen. Synergetic adsorption and Fenton-like degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by magnetic spent bleaching earth carbon: Insights into performance and reaction mechanism[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 761: 143956(SCI)

[13] Yongde Liu, Yang Liu, Yahui Shi, Qiaochong He, Qi Li, Dongjin Wan, Jia Zhou. Using a sulfur autotrophic fluidized bed reactor for simultaneous perchlorate and nitrate removal from water: S disproportionation prediction and system optimization[J]. Biodegradation,2021,32(6): 627-642

[14] Yongde LiuXiaoqian YinJinshuang WangQiaochong HeYahui ShiJihong ZhaoDongjin Wan. Preparation and properties of a novel wood adhesive derived from antibiotic bacterial residues[J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2021, 35(22): 2466-2482

[15] Yongde Liu, Yao Chen, Yahui Shi, Dongjin Wan, Jing Chen, Shuhu Xiao. Adsorption of toxic dye Eosin Y from aqueous solution by clay/carbon composite derived from spent bleaching earth[J]. Water Environment Research,2021,93(1):159-169

[16] Yue Chen, Yahui Shi, Dongjin Wan, Jihong Zhao, Qiaochong He, Yongde Liu*. Synergistic adsorption and advanced oxidation activated by persulfate for degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride using iron-modified spent bleaching earth carbon[J]. Environmental science and pollution research, 2021


[1] 张宏忠,马闯,魏明宝,刘永德,赵继红,杜京京,郭春霞. 污泥无害化处理及综合利用关键技术与示范, 201712月,河南省科技进步奖,2017-J-259-R04/07

[2] 赵继红, 刘永德, 刘峻, 刘楠, 赵红斌, 张杰, 赵斌豪. 超声处理剩余污泥减量化工艺, 201412月,河南省科技进步奖, 2014-J-277-R02/07

[3] 赵继红, 刘永德, 刘从彬, 许春红, 张迎明, 史 凡, 张 杰. 微生物絮凝剂研制与应用研究,200811月,河南省科技进步奖,2008-J-256-R02/07
